Monday, March 1, 2010

Belize 2010_9

Today was an early one we were up at 8am to get Karlene into town by 9am to go skydiving! We were all really excited for her because it was the most perfect day no clouds as far as the eye could see. We thought she should take the GoPro camera with her on her jump so I rode to town with it recording while strapped to my helmet. She signed her life away and we were told she should be back by 10am. We all went to Estel's for breakfast. Matt and I stopped off for coffee and I forgot to stock up with cash so he rode his bike to find dad to borrow some. Matt and I shared a big meal and Karlene just had some fried jacks and off she went. She came back 15mins later and said her time had been bumped to 12pm. Thankfully breakfast was taking quiet a while and she was still hungry. She left at 11:45 and we had spoke with our friends Jay and Gwynne that showed up yesterday and told them to meet us at the landing site.

There is a little beach side bar where all the skydivers were landing so we had a drink with J&G and waited for Karlene. She was not on the first load but the second. Man they come in fast! I got some pictures of her and she was on such a natural high. She took off in the boat back to the hotel with the skydivers, dad went home to do some Sunday chores and we went back into town with J&G to get them some food and get Karlene. We ended up back at Estel's and had a beer. After J&G got their lunch we peddled back to their hotel, grabbed their snorkeling stuff and peddled back to our place. It was late afternoon so we decided to stay close and just go out to our buoy by the reef. The tide was really low so it was a little to shallow in some places. The water was really warm today and there were a lot of school of fish. I didn't see anything exciting but Matt swam with another turtle! Karlene and I are starting to think he's making it up.

Back to the house for dinner at home and an early night.

1 comment:

  1. Yay Karlene - better (9 years) late, than never!
    Good on ya, girl
