Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Belize 2010_24

Matt was on the water by 9am this morning and we followed suit. He went to the cut to ride the waves and I went up to keep him company. The wind was NE so it took me 5 tacks to get up there, once I was there we rode around for a bit and saw the other two get out so we went back downwind to them. I still don't understand what Matt sees in the waves, I think I need more power. The wind was light and I could see Karlene going downwind towards town and dad following to keep her company. Matt and I stayed around our place as much as we could before my kite started to fall out of the sky. I rode passed him once and he pointed behind him at a huge squall coming our way. I went in and madre' barely caught my kite before it fell on her. Matt was in shortly behind me. We packed up our stuff and the squall moved over us towards the north. There was a bit of a sprinkle but no monsoon rain that I am still waiting for.

We hopped on our bikes to go and help the other two. Matt thought he had seen them go in around the Palapa Bar but there were no kites around. We ended up going all the way to town in our bathing suits. We found them packing up their stuff at BC's. Each of us took something at went to Lily's for lunch. Even though we were only in our bathing suits madre' grabbed her purse just incase, good thinking madre'! Matt and I shared some fish fajitas and dad went to get the boat because he wasn't hungry. When we got home it was nap time by the pool. The boys went out for a sunset session and Karlene and I went into town to do some late afternoon shopping. We were both hungry so we dropped in the Papusaria for a snack. We hit all the good shops and headed home. We all went out to see dads friend Doug do his karaoke night. To bad we were all to tired to make fools of ourselves ;)

1 comment:

  1. Kitz, I reckon waves is to flat as moguls are to grooming in skiing!
