Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Day 1-7

The word on the beach is there hasn't been good wind yet this year.  Well our first day was 9m (20knts +)  and the second day was solid 11m (20knts -).  For the non kiters reading this 9m and 11m is the size of kite we ride stronger the wind equals smaller kite.  The m stands for meters squared simply a universal way of measuring kite size.  This is our beach.

We enjoyed those two days very much considering we went into a wind drought the next 5 or 6.  So we got up to other stuff like SUPing out to the reef.

Big Z working on his SUP skills in the pool.

Katina and Zav out for a morning paddle in the "big pool."

Zav was the only one scoring some kiting during the wind drought.  Already so skilled he can kite in the small pool.

yearly pilgrimage, Belize 2017

The Journey,

     Traveling with Zavory our Son is always a new experience.  At such a young age every trip we take is a new stage, new size, and new attitude.  This trip wasn't too bad.  Katina of course was very prepared with his own bag full of stacks, toys and entertainment.  Normal travel is hard enough but traveling to Belize is extra tough.  Two logistical choices, leave close to his normal bed time is a 18-25 hour total journey.  Leave at midnight for a 10 hour journey.  To me this is an easy choice take the shorter flight for sure.  For Katina who is very in tune with schedules and repercussions of not being diligent to those schedules it was a bit harder.  We ended up leaving at midnight for the 10 hour flight. 

After the normal check in debacle, yes were golfers with a golf bag, yes Katina is not a citizen, and no she does not need a visa for Belize.  It's like a training exercise for these people every year.

Flights were pretty smooth Zav had fun playing peek a boo with a ladies in the seat behind us.  Even scored a nap on layover while watching the airplanes take off.  He has a small fascination with airplanes  

Soothed to sleep by curious gorge.  Praying the captain doesn't come over the speaker with a completely unnecessary announcement that no one cares about and wakes up all the kids.

AAAAh we made it with out killing our selves .